What Does Depth Strider Do In Minecraft?

Albert huddle
3 min readJan 24, 2021


The sad lava man look at him he is absolutely disgusted that I’ve pulled him out of his natural habitat the Huge sad face guys another is actually a pretty depressing update right now got sad lava man we’ve got sad diamond man we’ve got weeping vines ghast tears nilium which is short for nihilism and blocks which trap the souls of a thousand men so I Would like to make a video talking about this guy That’s a strider the new mob that’s been added in 20 w13a and this guy obviously doesn’t Reside in water or in the overworld he’s shivering at the moment because its body temperature is like a thousand degrees so it is not Utilized to being like this so it actually does take damage when it’s in water

but I want to show you uh all of you guys have been asking me hey how do you put this guy in water well this is the only way I’m going to ride him and slowly but surely make my way back to land this is what it looks like does not want to be underwater right now it’s very slow so I’m going to show you guys some experiments Whom I’ve done that will make him even more depressed the wiki says that the speed effect does nothing for him except that is not entirely true because as soon as I do effect give a Kind strider and then speed 9999 100 he walks very fast so yes the speed effect does have an effect on the strider it’s just that you have to be using commands to do Any Kind of effect on it so you can actually utilize a swiftness potion on it except you probably don’t want to do that because these guys aren’t going to be useful in water it’s supposed to be a boat now but these guys May Be Used for string farms and creative mode map makers can use this as some Type of rain detector

because they take damage in the rain speaking of which I found a way to not do that it’s just invulnerability unfortunately respiration water breathing all of that does not do anything for him you Cannot have this guy survive in water unless it’s resistant or invulnerable so naturally in testing this I gave him depth strider minecraft so I’m going to use him uh with my fungus on a stick to control him with the saddle look how fast he goes on the water so fast this is incredibly fast walking in the water a little strider he’s so depressed right now there’s not doesn’t want to be doing this but this uh carrot on a stick fungus on a stick makes him do

my bidding except if you do frost walker now frostwalker does some stuff look at that frostwalker is awesome with this guy he’s going to keep on walking so that’s why frostwalk is always going to work until you dismount and slowly but surely it falls back into the water and what’s really funny about this is I can hold this fungus on a stick and it knows it wants it but he’ll never walk or never want to follow me just stuck so whenever I have a strider and it wants to eat this fungus it will Attempt to path find its way around the water but it will never enter the water unless it has frost walker which is impossible in survival mode so what I’m trying to say is striders are absolutely useless in the overworld never use striders in the overworld unless you want a string farm or something like that you can breed them too but they Are all pretty hopeless

